- It makes them feel special
- It teaches them to be responsible
- It teaches them appreciation for all God has Given them
- It prevents frustration and confusion
- It helps them be productive
- It makes them feel they are a vital part of the family structure
- It promotes good hygiene
- It teaches confidence
- It encourages more playtime variety
- It can be lifesaving in emergencies
- It provides a foundation for the rest of their lives.
Kids need structure (organization) of their time, belongings and space. Look at a school classroom as an example - Everything has its own place. Generally, teacher organize by centers or certain topics.
When you can't "do it all" - PRIORITIZE!!
In Mary Beth Lagerborg's book, Dwelling she breaks it down from a style issue (neat/messy) to routines - Routines are very important, she identifies 3 "biggies":
- Food (purchasing, preparing & cleaning up)
- Information (bills, papers to sign or file, phone calls, email)
- Clothing (purchasing, cleaning, maintaining)
After Routines, Mary Beth states "Chunking" is a successful strategy - break down the tasks
FOOD - Simple Tips
- Plan you meals for 2 weeks to one month at a time. Plan with leftovers in mind
- Shop for two weeks worth!
- Crock pots were made for busy families - use them!
- Know by 9:00am what you will be having for dinner
- Serve only what you have made for the meal, don't be a short order cook
- Pack lunches the night before or at a minimum talk about choices they have for lunch
- Include your children/husband in the grocery shopping ideas. Avoid multiple trips or going when hungry
- Be creative!
- Get input from everyone
- Give children the choice on not eating one vegetable (after trying all)
- Try one new recipe a week or a month
- Share ideas with friends
INFORMATION - bills, papers to sign or file, phone calls, email
- Keep a day timer in your handbag
- Keep critical #'s with you at all times
- Keep a family calendar in a prominent place (fridge?). Color code activities by person.
- Whenever you get a piece of paper with a date, put it on the calendar immediately - then file the paper
- Use a 3-ring binder or vertical file folder to organize family information "Kid Info Book"
- Another binder could include copies of all important documents marriage certificates, birth certificates, copies of wills, etc...
- Create a system for handling mail
- Create a place of car keys, phones, etc
- Let perfection go! Decide what is most important to you.
- Put projects in the area you are most - work on at night after kids are in bed
- Make a place to put those "special pictures and projects", then take a picture on the wall/board and keep the pictures. Boxes for kids stuff.
- Choose a day or several days that you do laundry
- Teach your children how to help with laundry (They can fold towels, match socks, etc)
- Teach children how to organize drawers and closets
Their rooms and their stuff:
- Maximize the space you have in the room. Re-do closets and use space under the bed.
- Create a work space in their room
- Provide a place for kids to put their work after it has been reviewed.
- Create a special place for art work, be selective
- Go through drawers or boxes every couple of months
- Make the bed every morning
- Before bed, make sure everything is ready for the next day
- Help you child to organize their room periodically
- Modeling how to organize and put things away
Rooms and Responsibilities:
- Clothes: Don't battle when you are not prepared to lose
- It really doesn't matter if their socks don't match, they need to make choices
- Pick out clothes the night before - "Your choice is 'X' or 'Y' " (toddlers)
- Older children have a larger selection to choose from
- Schedules and Routines are vital-It is much easier to loosen the reins then try tightening them later.
- BEDTIME: Find a routine you can live with (bath, books, prayers, bed)
- Set regular times and stick with it everyday. Don't change on weekends
- Stagger bedtimes - this is helpful for single parents or spouses who travel
- Pray before meals
- Homework and playtime "times"
- My best tip for organizing is...
- What do I do really well with respect to organizing?
- What am I ready to let go of?
- Is there one area of my home which I struggle to keep organized? Kitchen, Family Room, Office, Playroom, Bedroom, Garage, etc...
- If so, what is one small task or "chunk" you would like to tackle today?
**Also handed out: The Ultimate Grocery List - get your copy by visiting www.grocerylists.org
Questions to consider today:
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