Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Meeting Recap 1/26 - Relationship with Home Organization

Relationship with Home Organization
Speaker: Lisa Papke
When she originally began presenting about organization (many years ago), it was more of an obsession than the passion it is now. There are ideas in this material/presentation that have come from friends, family, authors, TV programs, and from God's hand in her own life. She is thankful for this knowledge and how it has shown her how to establish a house of order and allow the spirit of Christ to guide her heart! Let this be our goal....

Organize: To Pull or put together into an orderly, functional structured whole. To arrange or systematize. To arrange in a desired pattern. Provide an organic structure. To arrange systematically for harmonious or united action

How does this make you feel?


It's important to recognize that you bring your history to your family. You need to know yourself, know your spouse and begin to notice how your kids are. It's also important to know there is a season for everything. Organization is a skill everyone can learn!

Change your language, stop saying: "That's how I've always been, its how I am now", change to: "That's how I used to be, this is what I'll do now"

If you USE it, LOVE it, NEED it = KEEP IT
...otherwise, SIMPLIFY!!

Do you make your bed? Do your kids make their bed?
It's important to give small, age-appropriate tasks.
NOT: "Go clean your room" - daunting task, overwhelming, won't know where to start.
YES: "Please go put your clothes in your drawers" - specific, directive, gives them an opportunity to do for themselves and invites them into the process.

Handout Information: (re-typed for posting purposes)


Proverbs 13:7
(A pretentious showy life is an empty life, A plain ans simple life is a full life)

Proverbs 24:3
"By wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established;
And by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches"

Colossians 2:5
"For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how orderly you are and how firm your faith in Christ is."

Galatians 6:9
"Let us not become weary in doing good. For at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."


If you sleep on it...make it
If you wear it...hang it up
If you drop it...pick it up
If you eat on it...put it in the sink
If you step in it...wipe it up
If you open it...close it
If it rings...answer it
If it howls...feed it
If it cries...love it!


Organization is a gift you give your child!!
Organization is a Mindset - Reasons to give this gift to your children:
  • It makes them feel special
  • It teaches them to be responsible
  • It teaches them appreciation for all God has Given them
  • It prevents frustration and confusion
  • It helps them be productive
  • It makes them feel they are a vital part of the family structure
  • It promotes good hygiene
  • It teaches confidence
  • It encourages more playtime variety
  • It can be lifesaving in emergencies
  • It provides a foundation for the rest of their lives.

Kids need structure (organization) of their time, belongings and space. Look at a school classroom as an example - Everything has its own place. Generally, teacher organize by centers or certain topics.

When you can't "do it all" - PRIORITIZE!!


In Mary Beth Lagerborg's book, Dwelling she breaks it down from a style issue (neat/messy) to routines - Routines are very important, she identifies 3 "biggies":

  1. Food (purchasing, preparing & cleaning up)
  2. Information (bills, papers to sign or file, phone calls, email)
  3. Clothing (purchasing, cleaning, maintaining)

After Routines, Mary Beth states "Chunking" is a successful strategy - break down the tasks

FOOD - Simple Tips

  • Plan you meals for 2 weeks to one month at a time. Plan with leftovers in mind
  • Shop for two weeks worth!
  • Crock pots were made for busy families - use them!
  • Know by 9:00am what you will be having for dinner
  • Serve only what you have made for the meal, don't be a short order cook
  • Pack lunches the night before or at a minimum talk about choices they have for lunch
  • Include your children/husband in the grocery shopping ideas. Avoid multiple trips or going when hungry
  • Be creative!
  • Get input from everyone
  • Give children the choice on not eating one vegetable (after trying all)
  • Try one new recipe a week or a month
  • Share ideas with friends

INFORMATION - bills, papers to sign or file, phone calls, email


  • Keep a day timer in your handbag
  • Keep critical #'s with you at all times
  • Keep a family calendar in a prominent place (fridge?). Color code activities by person.
  • Whenever you get a piece of paper with a date, put it on the calendar immediately - then file the paper
  • Use a 3-ring binder or vertical file folder to organize family information "Kid Info Book"
  • Another binder could include copies of all important documents marriage certificates, birth certificates, copies of wills, etc...
  • Create a system for handling mail
  • Create a place of car keys, phones, etc


  • Let perfection go! Decide what is most important to you.
  • Put projects in the area you are most - work on at night after kids are in bed
  • Make a place to put those "special pictures and projects", then take a picture on the wall/board and keep the pictures. Boxes for kids stuff.



  • Choose a day or several days that you do laundry
  • Teach your children how to help with laundry (They can fold towels, match socks, etc)
  • Teach children how to organize drawers and closets

Their rooms and their stuff:

  • Maximize the space you have in the room. Re-do closets and use space under the bed.
  • Create a work space in their room
  • Provide a place for kids to put their work after it has been reviewed.
  • Create a special place for art work, be selective
  • Go through drawers or boxes every couple of months
  • Make the bed every morning
  • Before bed, make sure everything is ready for the next day
  • Help you child to organize their room periodically
  • Modeling how to organize and put things away

Rooms and Responsibilities:

  • Clothes: Don't battle when you are not prepared to lose
  • It really doesn't matter if their socks don't match, they need to make choices
  • Pick out clothes the night before - "Your choice is 'X' or 'Y' " (toddlers)
  • Older children have a larger selection to choose from
  • Schedules and Routines are vital-It is much easier to loosen the reins then try tightening them later.
  • BEDTIME: Find a routine you can live with (bath, books, prayers, bed)
  • Set regular times and stick with it everyday. Don't change on weekends
  • Stagger bedtimes - this is helpful for single parents or spouses who travel
  • Pray before meals
  • Homework and playtime "times"

**Also handed out: The Ultimate Grocery List - get your copy by visiting www.grocerylists.org

Questions to consider today:

  1. My best tip for organizing is...
  2. What do I do really well with respect to organizing?
  3. What am I ready to let go of?
  4. Is there one area of my home which I struggle to keep organized? Kitchen, Family Room, Office, Playroom, Bedroom, Garage, etc...
  5. If so, what is one small task or "chunk" you would like to tackle today?

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